Whale Tales: The Spin Project

Those Still Afloat,

Is this a national level conversation at this point? I perceive that it is, but of course my algorithms are warped. The whales and the windfarms. The semantics and terminology are bipartisan. Windfarm implies too much positivity like a farm, and growing things in harmony with the environment and the sun shining down on noble windmills turning in the sea, so the Save the Coast people want to use Industrial Turbines and other terms like to denote the inherent menace. Personally, I am going to call it the Spin Project, because Jesus Christ, is it a pertinent fucking appellation. Let’s explore.

What makes me sick (as usual) is the unsurprising suppositions of absolution driving BOTH SIDES (ooh you both sides, always you two!). Any and all voicing of reticence to one or all of the projects (I ride Defend the Jersey Shore, but my heart stands with all East Coasters questioning installations offshore from the beach whence they bathe their soul), including a moratorium pending further evaluation of environmental impact get dismissed pretty typically. Big oil is paying for that opinion, no matter who they are! Of course.

Listen, why can’t it ever be the exact opposite to that crew? Why can’t the massive contract orgy from the Jersey wind project alone stir up the very possibility of some self-examination for Green Energy-at-all-costs sycophants ready to round up the opposition and put them in the silenced bin? 

Man, these people are dangerous in their own special way. I honestly equate them with the “wood-chipper go brrr” groomer-callout online agit-male neckbeard camouflage hat-wearing shiheads yelling at people defending LGBTQs in any given unrelated comment section on Facebook wasteland. The former just takes it to twitter, and jumps into the youthful exuberance of the “Punch Nazis in the face” moshpit with their graying hear and uncool band t-shirts. They really hope anti-windfarm development people can be called Nazis soon, I know it! I suspect everyone wants to punch me though, maybe it’s the inner masochist in me.  

All opposition to these projects is NOT a convenient psy-op from oil companies and Jeff van Drew despite the absorption of this powderkeg on the coast into the arsenal of shmucks, at their disposal as cannon fodder in their idiot wars waged at the expense of the populace at every unrelenting turn. Look, I try to reach my own conclusions, and I sure as fuck haven’t reached any yet. But I don’t think the windmills are going to be good. No, no. I could say, “let’s hope I’m wrong,” but I think it would much better if we never found out.

In my next dispatch, I’m going to discuss the buying of the college students for this greenwashing machine of cheerful, perpetually spinning doom. I was going to get into it now, but I’m getting all fired up and seasick over here. Long walk on the beach and putting one in the air to settle the guts. Hopefully I don’t discover any nighttime giants, stranded upon the sand for reasons known only to Neptune.

Salty as Ever,


Listen to this and give them your love:



What Evil Needs: A Modern Fable


Whale Tales: Bootlicking Big Oil